Tithing is not compulsory, God will judge pastors feeding fat while members grow lean - Pastor Bakare (VIDEO)

The Senior Pastor of Latter Rain Assembly, Pastor Tunde Bakare, has hit out at the practice of tithing saying it should not be compulsory. Pastor Bakare told the BBC Yoruba service. Giving tithes is a controversial topic in Nigeria and many churches compel members of their congregations to tithe, even though many people cannot afford to do so. It is estimated that 80% of Nigerians live on less than $2 (£1.40) a day. Pastor Bakare did not mince his words: "Tithing is not compulsory. No-one should feel compelled to pay - no-one is holding a gun to their head." The words of the pastor, who is also a politician - he served as President Muhammadu Buhari's running mate in the 2011 elections won by Goodluck Jonathan - are likely to spark a fierce debate. He warned: " Churches where pastors are becoming fat and the members are growing lean, God will judge them." Click HERE to watch video on BBC